Well, the day has arrived and Ability Fierce has a weekly slot on Brooklyn Free Speech TV. Starting in April, it will air at Sunday evenings at 8:00 p.m. and it can be seen in Brooklyn on Spectrum channel 1996/ Optimum channel 69 / RCN channel 84. It can also be seen throughout the city on Verizon Channel 44. It can be seen around the globe via online streaming here: BRICartsmeida.org/3. So there we have it. The idea of the show is to discuss disability issues with officials, advocates, disabled, people, their parents and caretakers. There is so much to learn when you have a disabled child and I'm trying to learn it all so that you don't have to.
At least, that's the idea.
People who have dealt with the system for a while laugh at me when I say it but something has got to change. And when it does, the whole world will be a better place and not just for disabled people. The show is my way of learning in public, because I figure the least I can do is share what I'm learning. We've already aired four episodes, which will re-run at the start of the season and I have five more in the can. It's been a bit of work in progress and only now after nine episodes am I really getting a feel for the studio and how to improve the production values and sound. I'm actually thinking of shooting the program in the pod cast studio because pod casts seem to be all the rage these days. Anyway, please tune in and let us know what you think. The abilities revolution is coming and it will be televised.