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In the summer of 2018 we fought to obtain reasonable accommodations so that Nick Astor could attend SUNY Purchase with his personal care assistant. We won but it was tremendous battle that we believe no one should have to go through. We created Ability Fierce with the goal of getting disabled people the accommodations and services they are entitled to in a timely, dignified manner.

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Although disabled people are entitled to a great many services for which they are grateful. These services are often hard to learn about and harder to access. Even when the services are in place, things often break down or can't be made to work in the consistent manner needed to participate in society _ that is, when they can be made to work at all.

-- Michael Astor

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"The only tired I was, was tired of giving in."

Rosa Parks

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Over the summer and well into the fall, getting Nick's college situation straightened out became my full-time job. I believe no parent should have to go what I went through and Ability Fierce is my effort to fix that. I don't want to charge disabled people to help them get into college, I don't think that's fair. Instead, I'm looking into raising money from foundations and donors. If you know of any promising funding sources let us know. And if you'd like to help out, please donate or buy one of our mugs or T-shirts, commemorating our victory this summer.

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